Game Engineer
Undergrad Senior Capstone
Monstralia™ is currently in development, but a playable demo can be found here.
Through the Monstralia™ mobile game, young children, ages three to six, will learn about healthy habits when they take care of the baby monsters who live on the Island of Monstralia. The health concepts found in the game include what to eat, types of physical activities needed to take care of your body, how to take care of one another, and how each part of the body takes care of us.
St. Edward's University students worked with The HealthStart Foundation to make this project a reality. After the initial delivery to the client, I refactored the code base for five mini games; though my fellow students had put in a good effort in their development, I wanted to apply better coding practices to the code base. I also heavily commented one of the games to be used as an example for future students on Unity features that may not be obvious to a novice user as well as good coding habits.